This table shows fitness data for 2 years in a population of…


This tаble shоws fitness dаtа fоr 2 years in a pоpulation of kingfishers. Calculate the total inclusive fitness of the primary helper, secondary helper, and delayer for both years.  Remember, no kingfisher reproduces its first year. They can either help family (primary helper), help unrelated individuals (secondary helper) or wait until their second year without helping anyone (delayers). Which strategy would be favored?   Year 1 Year 2 Male role B1 r1 B2 r2 Psm Primary helper 1.5 0.33 2.3 0.5 0.33 Secondary helper 1.1 0.00 2.3 0.5 0.65 Delayer 0.0 0.00 2.3 0.5 0.15 Inclusive fitness primary helpers: [ph] Inclusive fitness secondary helpers [sh] Inclusive fitness delayers: [d] Strategy favored [strat] Numerical answers with two decimals.  Strategy: "primary", "secondary" or "delayer"

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