
SECTION A: SOURCE-BASED QUESTIONS QUESTION 1: The Origins оf the Cоld Wаr Key Questiоn: How did the USA's policy of contаinment аnd the Marshall Plan contribute to the causes of the Cold War in Europe? Right-click on the button to see the sources in a new tab. Refer to Source 1A  1.1.1  Use the source, as well as your own knowledge, to explain the difference between the ideologies of communism and capitalism. (2x2) (4) 1.1.2  Which two countries were most responsible for dividing the world into “spheres of influence” after the Second World War? (2x1) (2)  1.1.3  Using your own words, explain what Churchill meant when he referred to an “Iron Curtain” in his speech. (2x2)   (4)  1.1.4 Which two nations did Churchill believe best positioned to counter the threat of Communism in Europe? (2x1)           (2)     [12]  Refer to Source 1B   1.2.1 Using evidence from the source, and your own knowledge, explain what Truman meant when he used the word “containment”. (2x2) (4) 1.2.2 Explain why Truman believed that the United States’ security interests “now spanned the globe”. (1x2) (2) 1.2.3  Define the word/term “leftist” in your own words. (1x2) (2)      [8]  Refer to Source 1C   1.3.1  Compare Sources 1B and 1C. Comment on why Source 1B supports Source 1C with regard to the USA’s commitment to other countries after the Second World War. (2x2)  (4)  1.4.1  Use your own knowledge, along with the images in the cartoon, to explain what the “Marshall Plan” aimed to achieve. (2x2) (4)  1.4.2  To your mind, does the cartoonist have a positive or negative impression about the Marshall Plan? Refer to the image to substantiate your answer. (1x2) (2)  1.4.3  According to your own knowledge, did the Marshall Plan succeed in providing assistance to both Eastern and Western Europe? Explain your answer. (2x1)   (2)      [12]  Use Source 1D   1.5.1  Explain why this source would be useful to an historian studying the Berlin blockade. (2x2) (4)  1.5.2  In what way did the geographical position of Berlin allow the Soviets to be able to block every overland access route to the city?  (1x2) (2)  1.5.3 List the four sectors into which the city of Berlin was divided after World War Two. (4x1) (4)     [10]  1.5 Using information from the relevant sources and your own knowledge, write a paragraph of about TEN to FIFTEEN lines (about 100 words) explaining how the Western allies tried to counter the spread of communism after the end of the Second World War.      (8)     Total  [50]  

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