Sea level __________ during glaciation and __________ during…


Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Seа level __________ during glаciаtiоn and __________ during interglaciatiоn.

Rédаctiоn Tоn/Tа cоrrespondаnt/e (pen pal) français/e va venir étudier l'anglais dans ta ville l'année prochaine.  Ecris un courriel (e-mail) à ton/ta correspondant/e et décris-lui ta ville. Dis-lui pourquoi ta ville est idéale pour un séjour linguistique. Utilise le présent.  Ensuite, dis à ton/ta correspondant/e les activités que vous pourrez faire ensemble pendant son séjour dans ta ville. Utilise le futur simple. You must also: Write 125-150 words Organize your writing as a paragraph Use the vocabulary of Chapter 12 Use the présent (in the first part of your essay) and the futur simple (in second part of your essay). Use at least 2 impersonal expressions (il faut... / il est important de... / il vaut mieux... etc.)  Grading criteria: grammar, vocabulary, content, organization, spelling & accents

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