Read the article “Charter Schools” and complete the activiti…


Reаd the аrticle “Chаrter Schооls” and cоmplete the activities that follow.                                                                Charter Schools What can parents do when they are unhappy with the local public schools that their children are attending? One choice is to send their children to private schools; however, this is an expensive option and some parents cannot afford to pay for private schools. Is there another choice for them? Since the early1990s, charter schools have been a perfect option for parents who are in this situation. Charter schools, which receive public money for support, are elementary and secondary schools that are available to all students and parents who would like an alternative to their local public school. Charter schools are usually founded in communities where groups of parents, teachers and community leaders want to increase the educational opportunities for the children in their neighborhoods. Since charter schools do not have to follow the same rules and regulations as local public schools, it is easier for them to try out innovative teaching techniques. Teachers, parents and students together can decide on the textbooks, activities and assignments that will best meet the needs of the student. Class sizes at most charter schools are generally smaller, so many students can receive individual attention, which also helps to support learning. Additionally, many charter schools have flexible hours, with students attending school on Mondays and Wednesdays, for example, while working independently at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This way, students can have study schedules that are most compatible with their learning styles. While charter schools do not have to follow the same rules and regulations as public schools, they do have to be accountable for their instruction. This means that charter schools must demonstrate that their students are learning. Usually this is done through testing and monitoring test scores. Charter schools that have students who score high on tests will have their charter renewed every 3–5 years. However, charter schools that have students who do not do well on their exams may be in danger of losing their charter. Most studies show, though, that students in charter schools generally do very well on their tests, and it is unusual for a charter school to be closed based on test scores. Some groups have criticized charter schools because they think that parents and students are not always knowledgeable enough to make decisions about what to study. But, the growing number of charter schools throughout the United States indicates that many teachers and administrators are very comfortable with being partners with parents and students. The number of charter schools is likely to increase, and charter schools may no longer be a well-kept secret in education.   Choose the best answer to the following multiple-choice questions about the reading. What is the main idea or thesis statement for the entire article?

Reаd the аrticle “Chаrter Schооls” and cоmplete the activities that follow.                                                                Charter Schools What can parents do when they are unhappy with the local public schools that their children are attending? One choice is to send their children to private schools; however, this is an expensive option and some parents cannot afford to pay for private schools. Is there another choice for them? Since the early1990s, charter schools have been a perfect option for parents who are in this situation. Charter schools, which receive public money for support, are elementary and secondary schools that are available to all students and parents who would like an alternative to their local public school. Charter schools are usually founded in communities where groups of parents, teachers and community leaders want to increase the educational opportunities for the children in their neighborhoods. Since charter schools do not have to follow the same rules and regulations as local public schools, it is easier for them to try out innovative teaching techniques. Teachers, parents and students together can decide on the textbooks, activities and assignments that will best meet the needs of the student. Class sizes at most charter schools are generally smaller, so many students can receive individual attention, which also helps to support learning. Additionally, many charter schools have flexible hours, with students attending school on Mondays and Wednesdays, for example, while working independently at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This way, students can have study schedules that are most compatible with their learning styles. While charter schools do not have to follow the same rules and regulations as public schools, they do have to be accountable for their instruction. This means that charter schools must demonstrate that their students are learning. Usually this is done through testing and monitoring test scores. Charter schools that have students who score high on tests will have their charter renewed every 3–5 years. However, charter schools that have students who do not do well on their exams may be in danger of losing their charter. Most studies show, though, that students in charter schools generally do very well on their tests, and it is unusual for a charter school to be closed based on test scores. Some groups have criticized charter schools because they think that parents and students are not always knowledgeable enough to make decisions about what to study. But, the growing number of charter schools throughout the United States indicates that many teachers and administrators are very comfortable with being partners with parents and students. The number of charter schools is likely to increase, and charter schools may no longer be a well-kept secret in education.   Choose the best answer to the following multiple-choice questions about the reading. What is the main idea or thesis statement for the entire article?

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