Read instructions carefully Muscle contraction is triggered…


Reаd instructiоns cаrefully Muscle cоntrаctiоn is triggered by an [a] (two words) traveling from [b], which is the muscle cell membrane, to the [c] regions, which consist of two large sacs of the [d] reticulum and a portion of a structure called [e] (do not abbreviate) tubules.  This activates the release of [f] from the SR and initiates muscle contraction.

Reаd instructiоns cаrefully Muscle cоntrаctiоn is triggered by an [a] (two words) traveling from [b], which is the muscle cell membrane, to the [c] regions, which consist of two large sacs of the [d] reticulum and a portion of a structure called [e] (do not abbreviate) tubules.  This activates the release of [f] from the SR and initiates muscle contraction.

Reаd instructiоns cаrefully Muscle cоntrаctiоn is triggered by an [a] (two words) traveling from [b], which is the muscle cell membrane, to the [c] regions, which consist of two large sacs of the [d] reticulum and a portion of a structure called [e] (do not abbreviate) tubules.  This activates the release of [f] from the SR and initiates muscle contraction.

Reаd instructiоns cаrefully Muscle cоntrаctiоn is triggered by an [a] (two words) traveling from [b], which is the muscle cell membrane, to the [c] regions, which consist of two large sacs of the [d] reticulum and a portion of a structure called [e] (do not abbreviate) tubules.  This activates the release of [f] from the SR and initiates muscle contraction.

Reаd instructiоns cаrefully Muscle cоntrаctiоn is triggered by an [a] (two words) traveling from [b], which is the muscle cell membrane, to the [c] regions, which consist of two large sacs of the [d] reticulum and a portion of a structure called [e] (do not abbreviate) tubules.  This activates the release of [f] from the SR and initiates muscle contraction.

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