Question 5   5.1 You decide to undertake a titrat…


  Questiоn 5   5.1 Yоu decide tо undertаke а titrаtion experiment in order to find the concentration of a sample of potassium hydroxide. Given the following balanced equation: KOH(aq) + HCl(aq) → KCl(aq) + H20(l)   30 cm3 of a 0,2 mol·dm−3 hydrochloric acid solution was reacted with potassium hydroxide. It was found that 22 cm3 of the potassium hydroxide was needed to neutralise the acid.   5.1.1 Convert any necessary units to SI units. (2) 5.1.2 Calculate the concentration of the potassium hydroxide. (4) 5.2 Calcium oxide is a useful compound in industry. It is used to purify sugar, to soften water and in the glass and porcelain making process. 30g of CaCO3 is heated to produce CaO CaCO3 → CaO + CO2   5.2.1 What is the maximum mass calcium oxide that could be produced in this reaction? (5) 5.2.2 However, only 13g of CaO is produced. Calculate the percentage yield. (3)     [14]

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