Question 3   3.1 Look at the four different molecule…


Questiоn 3   3.1 Lооk аt the four different molecules shown in the diаgrаm linked below and answer the questions that follow.   Right click on the button below to open the image in a new tab     3.1.1 Which one of the four molecules can exhibit hydrogen bonding among other molecules of the same type? Give the chemical formula. (1) 3.1.2 Give the IUPAC name for the molecule you chose in 3.1.1. (1) 3.1.3 Give the common name for the molecule you chose in 3.1.1. (1) 3.2 Explain why the molecule you chose in question 3.1.1 will form hydrogen bonds with other molecules exactly like it while the other molecules will not. (3) 3.3 Name the type of intermolecular force that the other three molecules in the diagram will undergo with other molecules of their own type. Give a reason. (3) 3.4 Which of the four compounds represented by the molecules in the diagram will have the highest boiling point? Explain your answer. (3) 3.5 Draw a diagram of the intermolecular forces between three H2S molecules, indicating polarities. (2)     [14]

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