QUESTION 2 Two crates, P and Q, with masses of 2 kg and…


QUESTION 2 Twо crаtes, P аnd Q, with mаsses оf 2 kg and 3 kg respectively, are fastened tо each other with a rope, and are at rest on a rough horizontal surface. A constant force (F) of 30 N to the right is exerted parallel to the surface on crate Q for 3s. Crate Q moves over a distance of 6 m. Ignore the mass of the rope.   Right click on the following blue button to open the images for QUESTION 2, in a new tab.     2.1 Why is the acceleration of the crates the same when they move due to force F? (1) 2.2 Calculate the acceleration of crate Q. (4) 2.3 Calculate the kinetic coefficient of friction. (7) 2.4 Determine the tension in the rope that is between the crates. (2) 2.5 If the pulling force of 30 N is applied upwards at an angle of 30 ° with the horizontal, how will the frictional force on the 3 kg crate be affected? Write only DECREASE, INCREASE or STAY THE SAME. Give a reason for your answer. (3) 2.6 After the crates have been moving for 3s, force F is removed. The crates continue to move to the right until they come to a halt. What is the direction of the resultant force acting on the crates after F is removed? Write ONLY LEFT or RIGHT. (1)     [18]

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