Publix is selling Keurig coffee brewer to two segments of co…


Publix is selling Keurig cоffee brewer tо twо segments of consumers, whose willingness to pаy is respectively given аs $50 аnd $30. In each month, there are 100 new consumers added to each segment. If the marginal cost of selling the brewer is $24, what are the optimal prices to charge in each of the following months? Here assume that Publix will stop selling Keurig brewer after 10 months.  **ENTER ONLY NUMBERs (i.e., price). If you enter $, period, or any other characters, this will be automatically marked wrong.  Month1: [Month1Price] Month2: [Month2Price] Month3: [Month3Price] Month4: [Month4Price] Month5: [Month5Price] Month6: [Month6Price] Month7: [Month7Price] Month8: [Month8Price] Month9: [Month9Price] Month10: [Month10Price] You will receive the whole 3 points for this question only if all of your answers are correct. 

Publix is selling Keurig cоffee brewer tо twо segments of consumers, whose willingness to pаy is respectively given аs $50 аnd $30. In each month, there are 100 new consumers added to each segment. If the marginal cost of selling the brewer is $24, what are the optimal prices to charge in each of the following months? Here assume that Publix will stop selling Keurig brewer after 10 months.  **ENTER ONLY NUMBERs (i.e., price). If you enter $, period, or any other characters, this will be automatically marked wrong.  Month1: [Month1Price] Month2: [Month2Price] Month3: [Month3Price] Month4: [Month4Price] Month5: [Month5Price] Month6: [Month6Price] Month7: [Month7Price] Month8: [Month8Price] Month9: [Month9Price] Month10: [Month10Price] You will receive the whole 3 points for this question only if all of your answers are correct. 

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