John Kravis is building Krohlberg Central, a mid-price point…


Jоhn Krаvis is building Krоhlberg Centrаl, а mid-price pоint residential development in Jeromeville. The community he is developing is presently zoned to allow one single family residence per five acres, but his pro forma requires him to develop it as one residence per acre. Mr. Kravis, his lawyer, and his civil engineer applied for a zoning variance. Hearings were held before the Zoning Commission, which approved Krohlberg Central’s development plan with conditions. Mr. Kravis has fulfilled those conditions, and now proceeds to the Jeromeville City Commission for final plan approval, and, accordingly, the issuance of a zoning variance permitting Krohlberg Central to move forward to construction and sales. The Commission heard neighborhood, developer, and expert witness testimony, with cross-examination, at this  _____________________  hearing. The Jeromeville Commission approved the zoning variance and issued an ordinance permitting Krohberg Central to begin its construction work. Krohlberg Central ended up being a lovely community, and materially increased Jeromeville’s total property tax base. (Select one answer only.)

Jоhn Krаvis is building Krоhlberg Centrаl, а mid-price pоint residential development in Jeromeville. The community he is developing is presently zoned to allow one single family residence per five acres, but his pro forma requires him to develop it as one residence per acre. Mr. Kravis, his lawyer, and his civil engineer applied for a zoning variance. Hearings were held before the Zoning Commission, which approved Krohlberg Central’s development plan with conditions. Mr. Kravis has fulfilled those conditions, and now proceeds to the Jeromeville City Commission for final plan approval, and, accordingly, the issuance of a zoning variance permitting Krohlberg Central to move forward to construction and sales. The Commission heard neighborhood, developer, and expert witness testimony, with cross-examination, at this  _____________________  hearing. The Jeromeville Commission approved the zoning variance and issued an ordinance permitting Krohberg Central to begin its construction work. Krohlberg Central ended up being a lovely community, and materially increased Jeromeville’s total property tax base. (Select one answer only.)

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