How flexible is gender identity?How flexible is gender ident…


Hоw flexible is gender identity?Hоw flexible is gender identity? Are we bоrn with distinctly mаle or femаle personаlities or can we learn to be masculine or feminine depending on how we are socialized by our parents (e.g. wearing dresses, playing with trucks, etc.)? If gender identity is learned through socialization (e.g. how the parents raise a child), can it be reshaped or altered through later learning techniques (e.g. behavior modification, re-socialization, different role models, etc.)? Explain your answer, and give examples. What role does biology (e.g. genetics, hormones, etc.) play in determining one's gendered behavior (not one's sex)? Is biology destiny? Considering information presented in your text and the Fausto-Sterling, Lorber & Dozier articles in your reader, which is more important--biology or environment in determining gender? How do case histories like John/Joan influence our understanding of this nature-nurture issue? Hint: The answer to this question should deal with the issues involved and should not be solely about the John/Joan case history.

Hоw flexible is gender identity?Hоw flexible is gender identity? Are we bоrn with distinctly mаle or femаle personаlities or can we learn to be masculine or feminine depending on how we are socialized by our parents (e.g. wearing dresses, playing with trucks, etc.)? If gender identity is learned through socialization (e.g. how the parents raise a child), can it be reshaped or altered through later learning techniques (e.g. behavior modification, re-socialization, different role models, etc.)? Explain your answer, and give examples. What role does biology (e.g. genetics, hormones, etc.) play in determining one's gendered behavior (not one's sex)? Is biology destiny? Considering information presented in your text and the Fausto-Sterling, Lorber & Dozier articles in your reader, which is more important--biology or environment in determining gender? How do case histories like John/Joan influence our understanding of this nature-nurture issue? Hint: The answer to this question should deal with the issues involved and should not be solely about the John/Joan case history.

Hоw flexible is gender identity?Hоw flexible is gender identity? Are we bоrn with distinctly mаle or femаle personаlities or can we learn to be masculine or feminine depending on how we are socialized by our parents (e.g. wearing dresses, playing with trucks, etc.)? If gender identity is learned through socialization (e.g. how the parents raise a child), can it be reshaped or altered through later learning techniques (e.g. behavior modification, re-socialization, different role models, etc.)? Explain your answer, and give examples. What role does biology (e.g. genetics, hormones, etc.) play in determining one's gendered behavior (not one's sex)? Is biology destiny? Considering information presented in your text and the Fausto-Sterling, Lorber & Dozier articles in your reader, which is more important--biology or environment in determining gender? How do case histories like John/Joan influence our understanding of this nature-nurture issue? Hint: The answer to this question should deal with the issues involved and should not be solely about the John/Joan case history.

Hоw flexible is gender identity?Hоw flexible is gender identity? Are we bоrn with distinctly mаle or femаle personаlities or can we learn to be masculine or feminine depending on how we are socialized by our parents (e.g. wearing dresses, playing with trucks, etc.)? If gender identity is learned through socialization (e.g. how the parents raise a child), can it be reshaped or altered through later learning techniques (e.g. behavior modification, re-socialization, different role models, etc.)? Explain your answer, and give examples. What role does biology (e.g. genetics, hormones, etc.) play in determining one's gendered behavior (not one's sex)? Is biology destiny? Considering information presented in your text and the Fausto-Sterling, Lorber & Dozier articles in your reader, which is more important--biology or environment in determining gender? How do case histories like John/Joan influence our understanding of this nature-nurture issue? Hint: The answer to this question should deal with the issues involved and should not be solely about the John/Joan case history.

Hоw flexible is gender identity?Hоw flexible is gender identity? Are we bоrn with distinctly mаle or femаle personаlities or can we learn to be masculine or feminine depending on how we are socialized by our parents (e.g. wearing dresses, playing with trucks, etc.)? If gender identity is learned through socialization (e.g. how the parents raise a child), can it be reshaped or altered through later learning techniques (e.g. behavior modification, re-socialization, different role models, etc.)? Explain your answer, and give examples. What role does biology (e.g. genetics, hormones, etc.) play in determining one's gendered behavior (not one's sex)? Is biology destiny? Considering information presented in your text and the Fausto-Sterling, Lorber & Dozier articles in your reader, which is more important--biology or environment in determining gender? How do case histories like John/Joan influence our understanding of this nature-nurture issue? Hint: The answer to this question should deal with the issues involved and should not be solely about the John/Joan case history.

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