Gina Robinson, Inc. (GRI)GRI management has decided to reinv…


Ginа Rоbinsоn, Inc. (GRI)GRI mаnаgement has decided tо reinvent the culture of the organization. Previously, the company tried to make jobs more appealing by adding more responsibilities to each job description. However, this did not work. Next, the company decided to add flextime. It believed that this would make employees more dedicated.GRI then introduced even more work options for employees. For example, management decided to group all full-time employees into teams to allow employees with different backgrounds to learn from each other. Many different kinds of teams were allowed, as long as the group members did not interact via the Internet or any other electronic means. The managers reasoned that team members must work face to face to learn from and truly engage with each other.Once these teams were formed, GRI management noticed that the quality of employees' work was much improved. The managers also observed that people felt much more comfortable with and tolerant of each other. Refer to Gina Robinson, Inc. If GRI management were to allow employees to work at home for a portion of the work week, which of these practices would they be introducing?

Ginа Rоbinsоn, Inc. (GRI)GRI mаnаgement has decided tо reinvent the culture of the organization. Previously, the company tried to make jobs more appealing by adding more responsibilities to each job description. However, this did not work. Next, the company decided to add flextime. It believed that this would make employees more dedicated.GRI then introduced even more work options for employees. For example, management decided to group all full-time employees into teams to allow employees with different backgrounds to learn from each other. Many different kinds of teams were allowed, as long as the group members did not interact via the Internet or any other electronic means. The managers reasoned that team members must work face to face to learn from and truly engage with each other.Once these teams were formed, GRI management noticed that the quality of employees' work was much improved. The managers also observed that people felt much more comfortable with and tolerant of each other. Refer to Gina Robinson, Inc. If GRI management were to allow employees to work at home for a portion of the work week, which of these practices would they be introducing?

Ginа Rоbinsоn, Inc. (GRI)GRI mаnаgement has decided tо reinvent the culture of the organization. Previously, the company tried to make jobs more appealing by adding more responsibilities to each job description. However, this did not work. Next, the company decided to add flextime. It believed that this would make employees more dedicated.GRI then introduced even more work options for employees. For example, management decided to group all full-time employees into teams to allow employees with different backgrounds to learn from each other. Many different kinds of teams were allowed, as long as the group members did not interact via the Internet or any other electronic means. The managers reasoned that team members must work face to face to learn from and truly engage with each other.Once these teams were formed, GRI management noticed that the quality of employees' work was much improved. The managers also observed that people felt much more comfortable with and tolerant of each other. Refer to Gina Robinson, Inc. If GRI management were to allow employees to work at home for a portion of the work week, which of these practices would they be introducing?

Ginа Rоbinsоn, Inc. (GRI)GRI mаnаgement has decided tо reinvent the culture of the organization. Previously, the company tried to make jobs more appealing by adding more responsibilities to each job description. However, this did not work. Next, the company decided to add flextime. It believed that this would make employees more dedicated.GRI then introduced even more work options for employees. For example, management decided to group all full-time employees into teams to allow employees with different backgrounds to learn from each other. Many different kinds of teams were allowed, as long as the group members did not interact via the Internet or any other electronic means. The managers reasoned that team members must work face to face to learn from and truly engage with each other.Once these teams were formed, GRI management noticed that the quality of employees' work was much improved. The managers also observed that people felt much more comfortable with and tolerant of each other. Refer to Gina Robinson, Inc. If GRI management were to allow employees to work at home for a portion of the work week, which of these practices would they be introducing?

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The plоt belоw shоws

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