Does the attempted paraphrase present an adequate paraphrase…


Dоes the аttempted pаrаphrase present an adequate paraphrase оf the sоurce material? [Consider only how well/poorly the student paraphrases the source.  Do not consider any needs regarding citation.] Source material Although the Bible teaches that the local church must care for both the spiritual and physical needs of the poor, the Bible does not indicate that only the local church must care for the poor.  There is evidence in Scripture that even in simple societies, individuals (Matt. 25:31-46), families (1 Tim. 5:8), and even governments (Dan. 4:27; Ps. 72) have responsibilities to the poor. Quoted from: Corbett, Steve, & Brian Fikkert. (2012). When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor… and yourself. Chicago: Moody. Attempted Paraphrase Although the Bible is clear that Christians and churches have responsibilities regarding the physical needs of poor people, Scripture teaches that individuals, family units, and even governments should be involved in caring for the poor.

Dоes the аttempted pаrаphrase present an adequate paraphrase оf the sоurce material? [Consider only how well/poorly the student paraphrases the source.  Do not consider any needs regarding citation.] Source material Although the Bible teaches that the local church must care for both the spiritual and physical needs of the poor, the Bible does not indicate that only the local church must care for the poor.  There is evidence in Scripture that even in simple societies, individuals (Matt. 25:31-46), families (1 Tim. 5:8), and even governments (Dan. 4:27; Ps. 72) have responsibilities to the poor. Quoted from: Corbett, Steve, & Brian Fikkert. (2012). When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor… and yourself. Chicago: Moody. Attempted Paraphrase Although the Bible is clear that Christians and churches have responsibilities regarding the physical needs of poor people, Scripture teaches that individuals, family units, and even governments should be involved in caring for the poor.

Dоes the аttempted pаrаphrase present an adequate paraphrase оf the sоurce material? [Consider only how well/poorly the student paraphrases the source.  Do not consider any needs regarding citation.] Source material Although the Bible teaches that the local church must care for both the spiritual and physical needs of the poor, the Bible does not indicate that only the local church must care for the poor.  There is evidence in Scripture that even in simple societies, individuals (Matt. 25:31-46), families (1 Tim. 5:8), and even governments (Dan. 4:27; Ps. 72) have responsibilities to the poor. Quoted from: Corbett, Steve, & Brian Fikkert. (2012). When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor… and yourself. Chicago: Moody. Attempted Paraphrase Although the Bible is clear that Christians and churches have responsibilities regarding the physical needs of poor people, Scripture teaches that individuals, family units, and even governments should be involved in caring for the poor.

Dоes the аttempted pаrаphrase present an adequate paraphrase оf the sоurce material? [Consider only how well/poorly the student paraphrases the source.  Do not consider any needs regarding citation.] Source material Although the Bible teaches that the local church must care for both the spiritual and physical needs of the poor, the Bible does not indicate that only the local church must care for the poor.  There is evidence in Scripture that even in simple societies, individuals (Matt. 25:31-46), families (1 Tim. 5:8), and even governments (Dan. 4:27; Ps. 72) have responsibilities to the poor. Quoted from: Corbett, Steve, & Brian Fikkert. (2012). When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor… and yourself. Chicago: Moody. Attempted Paraphrase Although the Bible is clear that Christians and churches have responsibilities regarding the physical needs of poor people, Scripture teaches that individuals, family units, and even governments should be involved in caring for the poor.

Dоes the аttempted pаrаphrase present an adequate paraphrase оf the sоurce material? [Consider only how well/poorly the student paraphrases the source.  Do not consider any needs regarding citation.] Source material Although the Bible teaches that the local church must care for both the spiritual and physical needs of the poor, the Bible does not indicate that only the local church must care for the poor.  There is evidence in Scripture that even in simple societies, individuals (Matt. 25:31-46), families (1 Tim. 5:8), and even governments (Dan. 4:27; Ps. 72) have responsibilities to the poor. Quoted from: Corbett, Steve, & Brian Fikkert. (2012). When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor… and yourself. Chicago: Moody. Attempted Paraphrase Although the Bible is clear that Christians and churches have responsibilities regarding the physical needs of poor people, Scripture teaches that individuals, family units, and even governments should be involved in caring for the poor.

Dоes the аttempted pаrаphrase present an adequate paraphrase оf the sоurce material? [Consider only how well/poorly the student paraphrases the source.  Do not consider any needs regarding citation.] Source material Although the Bible teaches that the local church must care for both the spiritual and physical needs of the poor, the Bible does not indicate that only the local church must care for the poor.  There is evidence in Scripture that even in simple societies, individuals (Matt. 25:31-46), families (1 Tim. 5:8), and even governments (Dan. 4:27; Ps. 72) have responsibilities to the poor. Quoted from: Corbett, Steve, & Brian Fikkert. (2012). When Helping Hurts: How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor… and yourself. Chicago: Moody. Attempted Paraphrase Although the Bible is clear that Christians and churches have responsibilities regarding the physical needs of poor people, Scripture teaches that individuals, family units, and even governments should be involved in caring for the poor.

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