Curare is a poisonous plant extract. Curare molecules have a…


Curаre is а pоisоnоus plаnt extract. Curare molecules have a chemical structure like the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Curare can bind to the acetylcholine receptor site on the chemically gated ion channels in the motor end plate. Even though curare will bind to the receptor site it will not open the ion channel and no ions will pass through. What do you think the symptoms of curare poisoning would look like?

Curаre is а pоisоnоus plаnt extract. Curare molecules have a chemical structure like the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Curare can bind to the acetylcholine receptor site on the chemically gated ion channels in the motor end plate. Even though curare will bind to the receptor site it will not open the ion channel and no ions will pass through. What do you think the symptoms of curare poisoning would look like?

Curаre is а pоisоnоus plаnt extract. Curare molecules have a chemical structure like the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Curare can bind to the acetylcholine receptor site on the chemically gated ion channels in the motor end plate. Even though curare will bind to the receptor site it will not open the ion channel and no ions will pass through. What do you think the symptoms of curare poisoning would look like?

Curаre is а pоisоnоus plаnt extract. Curare molecules have a chemical structure like the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Curare can bind to the acetylcholine receptor site on the chemically gated ion channels in the motor end plate. Even though curare will bind to the receptor site it will not open the ion channel and no ions will pass through. What do you think the symptoms of curare poisoning would look like?

Curаre is а pоisоnоus plаnt extract. Curare molecules have a chemical structure like the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Curare can bind to the acetylcholine receptor site on the chemically gated ion channels in the motor end plate. Even though curare will bind to the receptor site it will not open the ion channel and no ions will pass through. What do you think the symptoms of curare poisoning would look like?

Curаre is а pоisоnоus plаnt extract. Curare molecules have a chemical structure like the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Curare can bind to the acetylcholine receptor site on the chemically gated ion channels in the motor end plate. Even though curare will bind to the receptor site it will not open the ion channel and no ions will pass through. What do you think the symptoms of curare poisoning would look like?

Curаre is а pоisоnоus plаnt extract. Curare molecules have a chemical structure like the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Curare can bind to the acetylcholine receptor site on the chemically gated ion channels in the motor end plate. Even though curare will bind to the receptor site it will not open the ion channel and no ions will pass through. What do you think the symptoms of curare poisoning would look like?

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