Case Study #1RF is 45 yo, married, and works as a city engin…


Cаse Study #1RF is 45 yо, mаrried, аnd wоrks as a city engineer fоr a large municipal government. He cited a recent hx of nausea, anorexia, hematuria, and swollen ankles during a physical examination. His wife reported that he had been tiring more easily than usual during the past year. A hx of prior illnesses proved negative, except for a severe case of influenza with sore throat 10 years ago. RF's BP was 160/98 and he has lost 4 kg during the past 2 months. A urinalysis shows albumin and red and white blood cells. He is 6' 1" and 172 lbs. His current urine output is approximately 450 cc/day.Lab values are as follows:BUN 93 mg/dl GFR 19 ml/min HCT 32% Hgb 11 mg/dl (14-17.4 for males)    Give RF ideas for protein sources he should use to meet his needs that you calculated in your answer above. List some foods and amounts to meet the calculated protein need.

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