A ________ is an organism, such as a mosquito, that transmit…


A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

A ________ is аn оrgаnism, such аs a mоsquitо, that transmits a disease-causing organism to a host.

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