Your teacher got an example of an exam from the department,…


Yоur teаcher gоt аn exаmple оf an exam from the department, but can't open it. Someone said the programs were not compatible.   3.1 What do we mean when we say that programs are incompatible with each other? (2) 3.2 The IT teacher said that just about all software has bugs in it. Briefly explain what a software bug is. (1) 3.3 Give two reasons why people would want to update their software. (2) 3.4 Your teacher wants to start a blog to give all Grade 11 learners tips for the examinations.   3.4.1 Briefly explain what a blog is. (1) 3.4.2 Mention two good practices when blogging to your teacher. (2) 3.4.3 Mention two advantages AND two disadvantages of a blog. (4)

Yоur teаcher gоt аn exаmple оf an exam from the department, but can't open it. Someone said the programs were not compatible.   3.1 What do we mean when we say that programs are incompatible with each other? (2) 3.2 The IT teacher said that just about all software has bugs in it. Briefly explain what a software bug is. (1) 3.3 Give two reasons why people would want to update their software. (2) 3.4 Your teacher wants to start a blog to give all Grade 11 learners tips for the examinations.   3.4.1 Briefly explain what a blog is. (1) 3.4.2 Mention two good practices when blogging to your teacher. (2) 3.4.3 Mention two advantages AND two disadvantages of a blog. (4)

Yоur teаcher gоt аn exаmple оf an exam from the department, but can't open it. Someone said the programs were not compatible.   3.1 What do we mean when we say that programs are incompatible with each other? (2) 3.2 The IT teacher said that just about all software has bugs in it. Briefly explain what a software bug is. (1) 3.3 Give two reasons why people would want to update their software. (2) 3.4 Your teacher wants to start a blog to give all Grade 11 learners tips for the examinations.   3.4.1 Briefly explain what a blog is. (1) 3.4.2 Mention two good practices when blogging to your teacher. (2) 3.4.3 Mention two advantages AND two disadvantages of a blog. (4)

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