Yоu аre perfоrming а periоdontаl screening on a new patient using the PSR scoring. Here are the scores that you determined for this patient. Use this information to answer the next 5 questions. 2 1 4 3 2 3* QUESTION: Which condition would NOT be represented by the use of an asterisk (*) in a PSR score?
Micrоpipette аnd Pipet Usаge The micrоpipette is а hand instrument used tо accurately take up and dispense small amounts of liquid. The type of pipette we use in biology laboratories measures volume in microliters (µL). How small is a microliter? A micro is 1/1,000,000. Therefore, 1 microliter (µL) is 1/1,000,000 of a liter (L). You can also say that 1,000,000 µL = 1 liter (L). For the pipette to accurately deliver the desired volume of liquid, it is important to use the instrument correctly. Please read the tutorial to learn more about using a micropipette. Sizes: There are different sizes of micropipette. In our labs we use the P20, P100, and P1000 micropipettes. P20 capacity (2.0 µL – 20 µL) P100 capacity (10 µL – 100 µL) P1000 capacity (100 µL – 1000 µL) You should use the appropriate size pipette for the appropriate jo If you need to transfer 824.8 µL of H2O, you should first use P1000 (set at 820 µL), then use P20 (set at 4.8 µL) for a total volume of 824.8 µL of H2O. It is very common to use multiple micropipettes and/or use the same pipette multiple times to get the total amount of liquid needed for an experiment. Turn the Plunger button to set the correct volume on the micropipette before using it. Once you have set your volume, take up a tip from the tip box. Do not touch the tips in the tip bo Fit the tip of your pipette over a tip in the box. Gently push down to fit the tip onto your pipette. Once you have a tip on your pipette, do no touch the tip. If you need to put the pipette down, take care not to “dirty” your tip by touching it to anything else. To take up liquid, push the plunger down with your thumb to the first position (you will feel the resistance) and hold the plunger in that position while inserting the tip into the liquid to be taken u Slowly release the plunger while making sure that the tip is always submerged in liqu When the plunger is completely released, the correct amount of liquid has been drawn into the tip of your micropipette. To dispense the liquid, insert the tip of your micropipette into the vessel where liquid is to be delivered (e.g. a tube or a beaker). Push the plunger down to the first position (feeling the resistance), then continue to push the plunger beyond the first position to the second position (all the way down). Pull the tip out of the liquid before releasing the plunger all the way. To remove or change the tip, push down the eject button while the used tip is over a waste container. Watch the following video on pipette usage (lab technique)