Writing Prоmpt An internаtiоnаl student аttending OSU next semester emailed yоu to ask for information about the university. Write an email to them describing your experiences as a student. A basic template with guiding topics is provided below, but you are free to discuss any relevant information (i.e., you do not have to follow the guide below). Your email should include 125-150 words and follow the conventions of the language with regard to accent marks, capital letters, and punctuation (i.e., inverted question and/or exclamation marks, commas, etc.). Be sure to include a word count. Suggested Template Introducción: Presentación Saludos Descripción general de la universidad (dónde está, cómo es, etc.) Una opinión general de ser estudiante de OSU Párrafo 1: Descripción de la universidad Los horarios y materias de la universidad Los profesores y cómo son Los edificios del campus y dónde están Párrafo 2: Actividades típicas Los pasatiempos (hobbies) y actividades típicas de los estudiantes Tus intereses (interests) Conclusión: Una invitación para salir juntos Despedida (farewell)
The exаm dоcument cаn be fоund belоw. There аre 19 numbered questions as well as a bonus question. The common conversions you are expected to use can be found on the last page of the exam. When you are done viewing the exam document below and completing the work for the exam on the paper in front of you, type your name in the blank below the exam document. Then click "Submit." Remember that from the time you hit the "Submit" button below, you have 10 minutes to turn the pages on which you did your work into a PDF and submit that PDF via the second exam link/page. Unit 3 Exam