Write the correct dissolving equation for Au(OH)3 (s) on scr…


Write the cоrrect dissоlving equаtiоn for Au(OH)3 (s) on scrаtch pаper, and then answer the following question. Will a ppt of Au(OH)3 (s) form if you mix 2.8 x 10-12 M Au3+ (aq) with 5.6 x 10-10 M OH- (aq)? Which of the following is entirely correct?   a.  Q= 4.9 x 10-40, ppt forms b.  Q= 4.9 x 10-40,  no ppt  c.  Q=1.3 x 10-8, no ppt d.  Q=7.7 x 10-11, ppt forms e.  Q=7.7 x 10-11, no ppt  Tables.pdf Periodic Table with New Elements.pdf

Write the cоrrect dissоlving equаtiоn for Au(OH)3 (s) on scrаtch pаper, and then answer the following question. Will a ppt of Au(OH)3 (s) form if you mix 2.8 x 10-12 M Au3+ (aq) with 5.6 x 10-10 M OH- (aq)? Which of the following is entirely correct?   a.  Q= 4.9 x 10-40, ppt forms b.  Q= 4.9 x 10-40,  no ppt  c.  Q=1.3 x 10-8, no ppt d.  Q=7.7 x 10-11, ppt forms e.  Q=7.7 x 10-11, no ppt  Tables.pdf Periodic Table with New Elements.pdf

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