Write a MATLAB program to detect edges of an image using the…


Write а MATLAB prоgrаm tо detect edges оf аn image using the 3-by-3 kernel [-1 -1 -1; -1 8 -1; -1 -1 -1] as shown in the test case.  Note: Your program can apply the kernel to an original image EXCEPT the outer edges of the original image (the entire first and last rows and the entire first and last columns). Your program must update the output filename as shown in the test case.  Download the following image to your MATLAB working folder to test your program. If you have trouble to download and/or upload the provided image below, you can test your program with any image your MATLAB working folder has.   NinjaTurtles.png  Test Case: Enter filename: NinjaTurtles.pngEdge-detected image saved to NinjaTurtles_Edge.png  

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