Identify the best descriptiоn оf the fоrmаt for this A&P clаss.
All exаms will be prоctоred in this clаss. They аre clоsed book, closed note, no outside resources allowed (just your mind). Most students will choose to test remotely (though you are welcome to arrange to test in the Blinn testing centers as well). If you wish to test remotely you need to have: a computer that meeting Blinn standards an external web cam with audio/video capability which can be used to provide a comprehensive room scan and a side view when you are testing (see syllabus for details) adequate internet access a quiet room where you can be alone that has access to a desk/table/counter that is free of clutter a desk/counter.table, a simple chair (no couches, recliners, beds are allowed) Before you will be approved to test remotely you will be required to complete a practice quiz while being proctored using Honorlock. You will need to complete the practice quiz using the same standards for academic integrity that you would for an exam. If you complete the practice without issue, you will be approved for remote testing. If you fail to follow procedures you will be required to complete the practice quiz again and wait for review. Again, you will not be given access to the proctored exam unless you gain approval by successfully completing the practice quiz. For now, I simply want to you to acknowledge that you understand the name of the software that you will be required to use for proctoring both your practice sessions as well as your actual exams.