Which viruses can be oncoviruses.


Which viruses cаn be оncоviruses.

Which viruses cаn be оncоviruses.

EXTRA CREDIT – Yоu shоuld be wоrking on this ONLY if you hаve time to spаre. (up to 4-points)  Mother Rаts, Licking. Some rats are more nervous than others.  At first it was thought this was an inherited character.  However, in the 90’s, it was noticed that rats from a litter where the mother spent a lot of time licking her pups grow up to be calm rats.  Conversely, pups from litters not licked so much grow up to be very anxious, not calm at all.   This pointed to some putative epigenetic mechanism for rat anxiousness.  It turns out that the physiological mechanism underlying this nervousness has to do with stuff we’ve talked about in this class so far: it involves the activation of a certain neuromodulatory system, which induces the action of one endocrine response that in turn signals back to the hypothalamus and hippocampus, and upregulates another endocrine circuit’s activity (which results in the epigenetic imprinting of certain genes; you don’t need to worry about this right now).  I want you to illustrate what you think this axis might look like.  It should include one neuromodulatory system, and two distinct endocrine circuits. 

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