Which of the following is not controlled by the ANS?  


Which оf the fоllоwing is not controlled by the ANS?  

Utilizing the previоus exаm cаse study- cоmplete аdditiоnal questions about the case. K.R. is a 60 y/o African American male who was admitted through the ER due to blood loss from a deep laceration on the arm. K.R. has a history of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and is currently taking Coumadin and Lisinopril. K.R. arrived to the E.R. with complaints of shortness of breath and indicated he had cut his arm on the lawn mower blade. He couldn't stop bleeding and he became weak. K.R. received a blood transfusion and stitches in the E.R. and then was transferred to the floor for monitoring. K.R. was noted to have a current body weight 155 lbs. and is 6’0”. K.R. states he has started losing weight over the last 3 months. He has noticed his pants are not fitting correctly and he is tightening his belt. K.R. states he is just not that hungry and he usually weighs around 190 lbs. K.R. reports his bowel movements have changed and are very dark, blackish in color no matter what he eats. A Nutrition consult has been ordered by the admitting physician for a coumadin education.