What does the text use as its basis for its definition of cu…


Whаt dоes the text use аs its bаsis fоr its definitiоn of culture?

First, pleаse tаke the time tо reаd thrоugh the advice frоm the Class of 2025 below.  REMEMBER: Your engagement is tracked and may be reviewed if this TASK is "spot checked" or if the need arises based on your performance on the upcoming lab readiness check. Please be sure you are fully reading/engaging through this TASK (and all TASKS) to maximize your pre-lab grade.   Advice from the Class of 2025: Take advantage of all the practice resources available!  Even when brain training is done, you can always go back and use those exercises to prepare for encounters.  Attend the PLA practice sessions as they will give you meaningful examples and get used to taking the assessments. (Note from instructors: PLA practice sessions are a spring activity in IPCaL 6, so we will talk more about them in IPCaL 6!) Study the Top 200 THROUGHOUT the school year and NOT just a couple days at the end of the year. This will help you not only with the Top 200 assessments, but also prepare you better for APPEs. This is the year to make mistakes, keep making mistakes, and learning from the mistakes we made. It is such a great opportunity to think and act like a pharmacist with our instructors there to guide us on the right paths. Do not stress about the grades and learn from all the feedback that our instructors give us because it is very beneficial to how we should act in the real world. Have fun this year and learn as much as you can! Optimize the time you have in lab to learn the content: TPN, etc, so less time needs to be spent outside of lab to prepare for exams. (Note from instructors: TPN is a spring activity, so we will talk more about it in IPCaL 6!) Go to practice PLA practice sessions in the spring and don't feel bad about making mistakes because now is the time to do so!  (Note from instructors: PLA practice sessions are a spring activity, so we will talk more about them in IPCaL 6!) You should make a master top 200 study guide that you can add to as you complete IP modules. This will allow you to review what you learned and have it handy for when top 200 comes around. Come prepared, be ready to learn, and you will be able to do well on your PLAs and APPE rotations. Take advantage of the bonus points from the brain training gym Do not wait until Friday or Sunday night to do assignments. Always spend a little bit of time each week on Top 200 Drugs! Trust your instincts. You know more than you think you do! Keep up with your work. It helps to block out time to do work so that you can keep a healthy work-life balance.   Having a good group of school friends can help keep you on top of deadlines (like brain training and CGM check-ins). In addition, add these to your calendar at the beginning of class. (Note from instructors: The CGM activity is a spring activity, so we will talk more about it in IPCaL 6!) Make sure to reach out to Dr. Matthews or Dr. Jackson for any help early on so they can help you be successful for IPCaL 5 and 6. I love the Brain Training page. The disease state retrieval practices are incredibly helpful! Additionally, the P3 classes have many group activities and assignments that make me feel like teamwork can really boost our power both in knowledge and capabilities. You will definitely learn something from the class materials and from your teammates. Come to class prepared. Watch the pre-lab lectures and do the pre-work ahead of time otherwise you will be very lost and behind in lab. Come to class ready to learn and don't feel discouraged if you make any mistakes, this is the place to do it. Take advantage of the Brain Training. You're getting credit for studying important information that will only benefit you on APPEs and your career as a pharmacist. Sometimes, new activities introduced in lab may be a bit intimidating. Do not feel nervous or stressed! You will be extremely prepared and have enough practice before your practicals. Attend all the PLA practice sessions; they are worth it. Ask questions and practice, practice before the practical exam. (Note from instructors: PLA practice sessions are a spring activity, so we will talk more about them in IPCaL 6!) Take advantage of PLA conditional pass opportunities! Your future spring-semester-P3-self will thank you. In the same vein, take advantage of opportunities to learn from your mistakes on these opportunities. (Note from instructors: PLA practice sessions are a spring activity, so we will talk more about them in IPCaL 6!) Start prepping materials to be combined for SOAP note and MTM encounters as you do them in IP. It is so much easier to gather all that information to prep for those encounters if you have been collecting big picture things throughout the year and IP to use for those encounters. Every practice opportunity there is will only benefit you. It's a lot of work and sometimes stressful to pencil in the time, but it is absolutely worth it. Enjoy your time! This is a great opportunity to integrate all your knowledge, use it! Ask plenty of questions during activities! Residents and APPE students have a lot of unique experiences and knowledge Participate in the optional Friday PLA practice sessions, even if you feel confident in your ability to pass the sections on the day of the PLA. You can achieve a conditional pass on up to 4 of the PLA activities which is huge considering you have many other PLA activities within the span of a week and a half, so having any of them out of the way before April is a MASSIVE help to your stress levels. (Note from instructors: PLA practice sessions are a spring activity, so we will talk more about them in IPCaL 6!) Try your best to utilize each experience in lab to the most of your ability. These stimulated patient encounters are the closest form of "real-life" encounters you will have prior to APPEs. Go to the practice PLA sessions, they are extremely helpful! (Note from instructors: PLA practice sessions are a spring activity, so we will talk more about them in IPCaL 6!) Prepare for the patient encounters. Any materials you make as study tools you will be thankful to have for PLAs.  Try to treat your decisions in lab as if you are the  actual pharmacist in charge of this. Take advantage of the PLA practice sessions! Also, enjoy your time with your friends! Lab goes by so quickly this year. (Note from instructors: PLA practice sessions are a spring activity, so we will talk more about them in IPCaL 6!) Stay up to date on Top 200 You know a lot more than you think you do! Part of why IPCAL 5&6 is difficult is because you are being challenged to apply more of what you were taught in IP on the spot. Take the time to embrace the learning opportunity and know it is ok to make mistakes because it will set you up well for APPEs and your future in general! Get help with anything you are struggling with earlier than later so you are not relying on your team to get the correct answers during lab to better prepare you for the practicals. Remember to budget your time effectively, as IP3 and IP4 both require a lot of time dedication as well. Be sure to dedicate time to IPCaL despite how crazy IP gets. It will benefit you in the long run. Also, be sure to keep up with your Top 200 and the brain trainings. Attend the Practice PLA sessions in the Spring! (Note from instructors: PLA practice sessions are a spring activity, so we will talk more about them in IPCaL 6!)