VRAAG 3 Maak die projek characterOOPs_p in die Question3-l…


VRAAG 3 Mааk die prоjek chаracterOOPs_p in die Questiоn3-lêergids оop. 3.1) Skep TDnDChar-klas. Stoor dit in die clsDnDChar-eenheid binne die projek. Hieronder is die UML-diagram en enkele besonderhede word in die volgende instruksies gegee. (5) Open the project characterOOPs_p in the Question3 folder. Create TDnDChar class. Save it in the clsDnDChar unit within the project. Below is the UML diagram and some more details are given in the instructions which follow.  TDnDCharacter - sName : String - iExperiencePoints : Integer - iStrength : Integer + constructor create( sName,  iStrength) + setExperiencePoints(iNum:Integer) + getExperiencePoints : Integer + getStrength : Integer + toString : String 3.1.a) Die konstrukteur aanvaar twee parameters om die veranderlikes sName en iStrength-instansie in te stel. Dit moet die iExperiencePoints na 0 stel. (4)  The constructor accepts 2 parameters to set the sName and iStrength instance variables. It must set the iExperiencePoints to 0.   3.1.b) setExperiencePoints is 'n mutator metode.  (2) setExperiencePoints is a mutator method.   3.1.c) getExperiencePoints en getStrength is toegangsmetodes. (4)  getExperiencePoints and getStrength are accessor methods.   3.1.d) toString moet 'n string in die volgende formaat weergee: sName EX - iExperiencePoints S - iStrength (3)  toString must return a string in the following format: sName EX - iExperiencePoints S - iStrength

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