Use the standard algorithm to compute 283 ÷ 8. In this case,…


Use the stаndаrd аlgоrithm tо cоmpute 283 ÷ 8. In this case, have 8 represent how many are in each group. a)  What does the quotient represent in this interpretation of division? b)  In step 1 of the standard algorithm, we often ask the question, “Does 8 go into 2?” Why is the answer ‘No,’ when 8 clearly does go into 200? c)  In step 2 of the standard algorithm, we often ask the question, “Does 8 go into 28?” What does the 28 represent? d)  What does the phrase, “goes into” mean? Think about the interpretation of the divisor as either the number of groups or how many are in each group. e)  What does it really mean to “bring down” the 3 in the standard algorithm?

Use the stаndаrd аlgоrithm tо cоmpute 283 ÷ 8. In this case, have 8 represent how many are in each group. a)  What does the quotient represent in this interpretation of division? b)  In step 1 of the standard algorithm, we often ask the question, “Does 8 go into 2?” Why is the answer ‘No,’ when 8 clearly does go into 200? c)  In step 2 of the standard algorithm, we often ask the question, “Does 8 go into 28?” What does the 28 represent? d)  What does the phrase, “goes into” mean? Think about the interpretation of the divisor as either the number of groups or how many are in each group. e)  What does it really mean to “bring down” the 3 in the standard algorithm?

Use the stаndаrd аlgоrithm tо cоmpute 283 ÷ 8. In this case, have 8 represent how many are in each group. a)  What does the quotient represent in this interpretation of division? b)  In step 1 of the standard algorithm, we often ask the question, “Does 8 go into 2?” Why is the answer ‘No,’ when 8 clearly does go into 200? c)  In step 2 of the standard algorithm, we often ask the question, “Does 8 go into 28?” What does the 28 represent? d)  What does the phrase, “goes into” mean? Think about the interpretation of the divisor as either the number of groups or how many are in each group. e)  What does it really mean to “bring down” the 3 in the standard algorithm?

Use the stаndаrd аlgоrithm tо cоmpute 283 ÷ 8. In this case, have 8 represent how many are in each group. a)  What does the quotient represent in this interpretation of division? b)  In step 1 of the standard algorithm, we often ask the question, “Does 8 go into 2?” Why is the answer ‘No,’ when 8 clearly does go into 200? c)  In step 2 of the standard algorithm, we often ask the question, “Does 8 go into 28?” What does the 28 represent? d)  What does the phrase, “goes into” mean? Think about the interpretation of the divisor as either the number of groups or how many are in each group. e)  What does it really mean to “bring down” the 3 in the standard algorithm?

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