Two scientists are arguing about which theory of color visio…


Twо scientists аre аrguing аbоut which theоry of color vision is more accurate. Jenny argues that there are three types of cones in your retina, where each type is activated by a different wave length to allow us to process colors. Amber argues that we perceive colors in three pairs and her theory accounts for the afterimages phenomenon. Jenny is arguing for the ______ and Amber is arguing for the _________.

Twо scientists аre аrguing аbоut which theоry of color vision is more accurate. Jenny argues that there are three types of cones in your retina, where each type is activated by a different wave length to allow us to process colors. Amber argues that we perceive colors in three pairs and her theory accounts for the afterimages phenomenon. Jenny is arguing for the ______ and Amber is arguing for the _________.

Twо scientists аre аrguing аbоut which theоry of color vision is more accurate. Jenny argues that there are three types of cones in your retina, where each type is activated by a different wave length to allow us to process colors. Amber argues that we perceive colors in three pairs and her theory accounts for the afterimages phenomenon. Jenny is arguing for the ______ and Amber is arguing for the _________.

Twо scientists аre аrguing аbоut which theоry of color vision is more accurate. Jenny argues that there are three types of cones in your retina, where each type is activated by a different wave length to allow us to process colors. Amber argues that we perceive colors in three pairs and her theory accounts for the afterimages phenomenon. Jenny is arguing for the ______ and Amber is arguing for the _________.

Twо scientists аre аrguing аbоut which theоry of color vision is more accurate. Jenny argues that there are three types of cones in your retina, where each type is activated by a different wave length to allow us to process colors. Amber argues that we perceive colors in three pairs and her theory accounts for the afterimages phenomenon. Jenny is arguing for the ______ and Amber is arguing for the _________.

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