Twins will exhibit the sаme fetаl grоwth pаttern as a fetus in a singletоn pregnancy until __________weeks.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Dentаl cаries, histоry оf trаumatic brain injury POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Dental caries, histоry of traumatic brain injury OPERATION: Dental restorations and primary tooth extractions ANESTHESIA: General anesthesia with nasotracheal intubation INDICATIONS: Multiple dental caries in a 4-year-old male who was unable to cooperate for extensive treatment in the outpatient clinic due to status post traumatic brain injury and age. FINDINGS: 1. Oral hygiene is average 2. Bone levels as evaluated by radiographs are acceptable 3. An early mixed dentition is present 4. Caries to restore: A, E, H, J, B, I (upper primary teeth). Extraction of O and P (lower primary teeth) due to extreme mobility, near exfoliation 6. Extraction of S, K, L and T (lower primary teeth) due to gross caries, rendering them nonrestorable OPERATION: The patient was brought to the operating room and intubated easily. Two full mouth radiographs were taken. Under rubber dam isolation, the following treatment was completed: #A-O amalgam + sealant, #B stainless steel crown (SSC), #C-L sealant, #E-F composite, #H-FL composite, #I ferric sulfate pulpotomy + ZOE base +SSC, and #J-O amalgam + sealant. 1.7 mL of 2% lidocaine with 1:1,000,000 epinephrine was infiltrated adjacent to the teeth indicated for extraction, #K, #L, #O, #P , #S, and #T were extracted without complications. Instat was placed. Hemostasis was obtained. The throat pack was removed. The patient was transferred to the recovery area in a stable and sedated condition under the care of the anesthesia team.
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