Acаdemic Integrity: The Quizzes аnd Finаl Exams are "clоsed bооk". This means that you should study and memorize the language and structures you need to know for the quiz/exam beforehand. During the exam you cannot look at your book, notes, phone, or anything else. You must complete the test using your brain as your only resource!!! Consulting any resource during the any Quiz or Exam is therefore an act of academic dishonesty, and will the carry the penalties of such. Tech Issues: I understand that my professor is not Tech Support, yet has provided me with resources and troubleshooting advice since the beginning of the semester. I will perform all suggested updates etc prior to each quiz or exam so that I don’t experience last-minute, avoidable issues. I will rely on UMKC Tech Support or especially Live Chat with HonorLock for my technical needs (and contact my professor only if it is pertinent that they know of global technical difficulties, after I have tried to resolve it on my own through proper channels). I have read all information provided to me by my instructor regarding SmarterProctoring (or I will if I encounter issues). Unforeseen Situations: I also understand that, per policy, I should not expect to be granted a makeup or to be able to take any quiz/exam at any other time aside from the due date/time required of the entire class. Failure to take steps to prevent tech issues in advance and even unforeseen occurrences do not automatically warrant makeups or retakes, as the lowest quiz score is dropped (which allows for emergency situations of all types to not affect my overall course grade).