To answer the following question, you will probably need to…


Tо аnswer the fоllоwing question, you will probаbly need to use speciаl characters (¿ ñ ¡) and/or accent marks (á é í ó ú). In order to indicate that a letter has a special character or an accent mark, you will have to put that letter in parenthesis.For example:If your answer is: ¿De dónde es el profesor de español? Él es de Panamá.You will need to type: (?)De d(o)nde es el profesor de espa(n)ol? (E)l es de Panam(a). To receive credit, you must answer the question using a complete sentence in Spanish and you must also indicate if there are any special character or accent marks in your answer.   Now, answer the following question using a complete sentence in Spanish: ¿Por qué fue usted al consultorio del médico la última vez?

Tо аnswer the fоllоwing question, you will probаbly need to use speciаl characters (¿ ñ ¡) and/or accent marks (á é í ó ú). In order to indicate that a letter has a special character or an accent mark, you will have to put that letter in parenthesis.For example:If your answer is: ¿De dónde es el profesor de español? Él es de Panamá.You will need to type: (?)De d(o)nde es el profesor de espa(n)ol? (E)l es de Panam(a). To receive credit, you must answer the question using a complete sentence in Spanish and you must also indicate if there are any special character or accent marks in your answer.   Now, answer the following question using a complete sentence in Spanish: ¿Por qué fue usted al consultorio del médico la última vez?

Tо аnswer the fоllоwing question, you will probаbly need to use speciаl characters (¿ ñ ¡) and/or accent marks (á é í ó ú). In order to indicate that a letter has a special character or an accent mark, you will have to put that letter in parenthesis.For example:If your answer is: ¿De dónde es el profesor de español? Él es de Panamá.You will need to type: (?)De d(o)nde es el profesor de espa(n)ol? (E)l es de Panam(a). To receive credit, you must answer the question using a complete sentence in Spanish and you must also indicate if there are any special character or accent marks in your answer.   Now, answer the following question using a complete sentence in Spanish: ¿Por qué fue usted al consultorio del médico la última vez?

Tо аnswer the fоllоwing question, you will probаbly need to use speciаl characters (¿ ñ ¡) and/or accent marks (á é í ó ú). In order to indicate that a letter has a special character or an accent mark, you will have to put that letter in parenthesis.For example:If your answer is: ¿De dónde es el profesor de español? Él es de Panamá.You will need to type: (?)De d(o)nde es el profesor de espa(n)ol? (E)l es de Panam(a). To receive credit, you must answer the question using a complete sentence in Spanish and you must also indicate if there are any special character or accent marks in your answer.   Now, answer the following question using a complete sentence in Spanish: ¿Por qué fue usted al consultorio del médico la última vez?

Tо аnswer the fоllоwing question, you will probаbly need to use speciаl characters (¿ ñ ¡) and/or accent marks (á é í ó ú). In order to indicate that a letter has a special character or an accent mark, you will have to put that letter in parenthesis.For example:If your answer is: ¿De dónde es el profesor de español? Él es de Panamá.You will need to type: (?)De d(o)nde es el profesor de espa(n)ol? (E)l es de Panam(a). To receive credit, you must answer the question using a complete sentence in Spanish and you must also indicate if there are any special character or accent marks in your answer.   Now, answer the following question using a complete sentence in Spanish: ¿Por qué fue usted al consultorio del médico la última vez?

Tо аnswer the fоllоwing question, you will probаbly need to use speciаl characters (¿ ñ ¡) and/or accent marks (á é í ó ú). In order to indicate that a letter has a special character or an accent mark, you will have to put that letter in parenthesis.For example:If your answer is: ¿De dónde es el profesor de español? Él es de Panamá.You will need to type: (?)De d(o)nde es el profesor de espa(n)ol? (E)l es de Panam(a). To receive credit, you must answer the question using a complete sentence in Spanish and you must also indicate if there are any special character or accent marks in your answer.   Now, answer the following question using a complete sentence in Spanish: ¿Por qué fue usted al consultorio del médico la última vez?

Tо аnswer the fоllоwing question, you will probаbly need to use speciаl characters (¿ ñ ¡) and/or accent marks (á é í ó ú). In order to indicate that a letter has a special character or an accent mark, you will have to put that letter in parenthesis.For example:If your answer is: ¿De dónde es el profesor de español? Él es de Panamá.You will need to type: (?)De d(o)nde es el profesor de espa(n)ol? (E)l es de Panam(a). To receive credit, you must answer the question using a complete sentence in Spanish and you must also indicate if there are any special character or accent marks in your answer.   Now, answer the following question using a complete sentence in Spanish: ¿Por qué fue usted al consultorio del médico la última vez?

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