The writings оf the Mаjоr Prоphets аre generаlly designated as major due to their length and prominence.
Questiоn 1: Explоrаtоry Dаtа Analysis (14 points) For the exploratory analysis in this question, use the "trainData". 1a) (3 points) Create a boxplot of the response variable versus predicting variable "Status". Explain the relationship between the two variables based on the boxplot. 1b) (3 points) Perform an ANOVA F-test on the means of the status of the countries. i) State the alternative hypothesis. ii) Using an α-level of 0.01, do we reject the null hypothesis that the means are equal? Explain your conclusion. 1c) (4 points) Create scatterplots of the response variable against the following predictors: "Alcohol", "BMI", "GDP" and "Population". i) Describe the general trend of each of the four plots. 1d) (4 points) Calculate the correlation coefficient between the response variable and the four predictors. Based on the trend plots and the correlation values, interpret the strength of the correlation coefficient of each of the predictors with the response variable. How will this association analysis impact the application of a linear regression model?