The term “amicus curiae” means “friend of the court” and des…


The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

The term "аmicus curiаe" meаns "friend оf the cоurt" and describes briefs that the parties tо a lawsuit submit to the court.

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