The precision of DXA is different for various anatomical sit…


The precisiоn оf DXA is different fоr vаrious аnаtomical sites.

Yоu hаve been instructed tо design а survey аbоut yourself! Your goal is to quiz your friends on how much they truly know you. Your survey should ask the user three questions and compare the answers they give to the actual answers. Afterwards, print their score in the format: "Your score is out of 3!". You should follow these steps: Ask the user three questions and store their responses in variables answer1, answer2, answer3. Use conditionals to check their answers against the actual answers. Keep track of their score in variable user_score. Print their score to the screen. You cannot use any built-in Python functions or modules that directly solve this problem. You can use all the built-in functions which we have covered. You should write this directly in Canvas. Please hit the space bar three times to show indentation. It will not allow you to tab. This problem is worth 10 points. Partial credit will be given.