The molecule 2,3-biphosphoglycerate (2,3-BPG) regulates the…


The mоlecule 2,3-biphоsphоglycerаte (2,3-BPG) regulаtes the oxygen binding аffinity of hemoglobin. The graph below shows the oxygen binding curves for hemoglobin in the presence of 2,3-BPG both at normal levels (red, middle) and at high levels (green, right), as well as in the absence of 2,3-BPG (blue, left). The partial pressure of oxygen both in the lungs and in the tissues are indicated (in mmHg).  Blank #1: What type of effector is 2,3-BPG? (positive/negative, homotropic/heterotropic) Blank #2: How much oxygen (%) is delivered to the tissues by hemoglobin with normal levels of 2,3-BPG? Blank #3: How much oxygen (%) is delivered to the tissues by hemoglobin when there is no 2,3-BPG present? Blank #4: Compared to normal levels of 2,3-BPG, how much more/less oxygen (%) is delivered to the tissues when there is no 2,3-BPG? Your answer should state "xx% more/less oxygen is delivered to the tissues". Blank #5: In addition to 2,3-BPG, name two other effectors (making sure you state whether you have higher or lower concentrations of that effector) that would shift the "normal" red binding curve of hemoglobin to the left (blue). Your answer should be something like: Higher/lower concentration of ____, higher/lower concentration of ____.

The mоlecule 2,3-biphоsphоglycerаte (2,3-BPG) regulаtes the oxygen binding аffinity of hemoglobin. The graph below shows the oxygen binding curves for hemoglobin in the presence of 2,3-BPG both at normal levels (red, middle) and at high levels (green, right), as well as in the absence of 2,3-BPG (blue, left). The partial pressure of oxygen both in the lungs and in the tissues are indicated (in mmHg).  Blank #1: What type of effector is 2,3-BPG? (positive/negative, homotropic/heterotropic) Blank #2: How much oxygen (%) is delivered to the tissues by hemoglobin with normal levels of 2,3-BPG? Blank #3: How much oxygen (%) is delivered to the tissues by hemoglobin when there is no 2,3-BPG present? Blank #4: Compared to normal levels of 2,3-BPG, how much more/less oxygen (%) is delivered to the tissues when there is no 2,3-BPG? Your answer should state "xx% more/less oxygen is delivered to the tissues". Blank #5: In addition to 2,3-BPG, name two other effectors (making sure you state whether you have higher or lower concentrations of that effector) that would shift the "normal" red binding curve of hemoglobin to the left (blue). Your answer should be something like: Higher/lower concentration of ____, higher/lower concentration of ____.

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