The activation of Insulin by posttranslational modifications…


The аctivаtiоn оf Insulin by pоsttrаnslational modifications proceeds through certain distinct steps. Choose the correct statements and bring the steps into the correct order from beginning to last! Not all statements are needed, you have to read carefully! A) The N-terminal "end segment" is removed by the specific cleavage action of proteases B) This yields the molecule "insulin". Insulin is made of three polypeptide chains stabilized by four disulfide bonds C) This yields the molecule "insulin". Insulin is made of two polypeptide chains stabilized by three disulfide bonds D) Insulin is initially translated as a precursor of preproinsulin E) The C-terminal "end segment" is removed by the specific cleavage action of proteases F) The "central segment" is removed by the specific cleavage action of proteases G) The thiol groups of the six cysteine residues in preproinsulin oxidize to form three specific disulfide bonds H) The thiol groups of the eight cysteine residues in preproinsulin oxidize to form four specific disulfide bonds I) This yields the molecule "proinsulin"  

The аctivаtiоn оf Insulin by pоsttrаnslational modifications proceeds through certain distinct steps. Choose the correct statements and bring the steps into the correct order from beginning to last! Not all statements are needed, you have to read carefully! A) The N-terminal "end segment" is removed by the specific cleavage action of proteases B) This yields the molecule "insulin". Insulin is made of three polypeptide chains stabilized by four disulfide bonds C) This yields the molecule "insulin". Insulin is made of two polypeptide chains stabilized by three disulfide bonds D) Insulin is initially translated as a precursor of preproinsulin E) The C-terminal "end segment" is removed by the specific cleavage action of proteases F) The "central segment" is removed by the specific cleavage action of proteases G) The thiol groups of the six cysteine residues in preproinsulin oxidize to form three specific disulfide bonds H) The thiol groups of the eight cysteine residues in preproinsulin oxidize to form four specific disulfide bonds I) This yields the molecule "proinsulin"  

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