Short Responses: Make sure to complete FOUR of the short res…


Shоrt Respоnses: Mаke sure tо complete FOUR of the short responses for the Finаl Exаm. Do NOT complete more than four, I will only grade the first four written. Be sure and put the number you can completing in your answer. Make sure answered are addressing all the questions and AT LEAST four sentences.  Short Response Questions: 1) Discuss the boom in immigration to the US-who was coming, why, and what obstacles did these groups face during the 1840s-60s? 2) What is the Emancipation Proclamation and what was the impact it had? (Think about the immediate impact it had when it was passed in 1863 and what it influenced later) 3) What made the Election of 1844 so significant? What was made possible by James K. Polk’s election to the presidency? 4) Explain the Fort Laramie Treaty in 1851. Who did it impact, what was its purpose, and why was it significant? 5) Briefly describe the efforts of Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction. Overall, was Reconstruction successful? Why or why not? 6) Explain the justifications and reasoning behind the Indian Removal Act in 1830. Did tribes fight back (if so, how)?

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