Select the cоrrect definitiоn fоr spаrse.
Shоrt Fictiоn Exаm Answer оne of the аttаched questions in 125 to 150 words. Afterward, move on to the next test question and choose another to answer. Do this until you have answered four of the questions below for a total of 500-600 words. Be sure to reference specific quotes from the text at least two times in each question, citing the references with page numbers. Use your observations and our group discussions. Avoid researching; I want YOUR words and thoughts. Don't use the same stories for multiple questions. Compare or contrast points of view in two of the stories we read. Discuss irony and tone in two of the stories we read. Explore the symbolism of at least two stories. Compare or contrast a common theme in three of the stories we read. Discuss the pursuit of happiness in our readings (use two or more stories). Analyze similarities in characters from at least two of our readings. Discuss the biographical similarities of two of our stories with their authors. Discuss foreshadowing in two of our stories. Discuss Louise Mallard’s heart troubles. Examine the symbolism in “The Fall of the House of Usher.” Characterize Miss Emma.