Select ONE of the following options to write a short diary e…


Select ONE оf the fоllоwing options to write а short diаry entry in Spаnish (please do not worry about special characters and accent marks).   Option 1: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about your residence. Include the following information: Write today's date. Describe type of residence (house, apartment, dorm room, and so on) and size. List the number of rooms and the name of each room. List the furniture in your bedroom and living room. Identify your favorite place in the residence and explain why it is your favorite room.   Option 2: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about what you like to do in your free time. Include the following information: Write today's date. Describe what type of leisure activities you enjoy doing in your free time. List three sports you practice or like to watch. Write your favorite holiday. Describe how you celebrate your favorite holiday.   Option 3: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about your domestic chores. Include the following information: Write today's date. List the domestic chores you do in your house. Describe how frequently you do them. Write your least favorite domestic chore. List three cleaning products and describe what they do.   Option 4: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about a memorable personal event in your life. Include the following information: Write today's date. List a memorable personal event or success in your life. Write how old you were when it happened. Describe how you felt. Describe what you learned from the experience.

Select ONE оf the fоllоwing options to write а short diаry entry in Spаnish (please do not worry about special characters and accent marks).   Option 1: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about your residence. Include the following information: Write today's date. Describe type of residence (house, apartment, dorm room, and so on) and size. List the number of rooms and the name of each room. List the furniture in your bedroom and living room. Identify your favorite place in the residence and explain why it is your favorite room.   Option 2: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about what you like to do in your free time. Include the following information: Write today's date. Describe what type of leisure activities you enjoy doing in your free time. List three sports you practice or like to watch. Write your favorite holiday. Describe how you celebrate your favorite holiday.   Option 3: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about your domestic chores. Include the following information: Write today's date. List the domestic chores you do in your house. Describe how frequently you do them. Write your least favorite domestic chore. List three cleaning products and describe what they do.   Option 4: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about a memorable personal event in your life. Include the following information: Write today's date. List a memorable personal event or success in your life. Write how old you were when it happened. Describe how you felt. Describe what you learned from the experience.

Select ONE оf the fоllоwing options to write а short diаry entry in Spаnish (please do not worry about special characters and accent marks).   Option 1: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about your residence. Include the following information: Write today's date. Describe type of residence (house, apartment, dorm room, and so on) and size. List the number of rooms and the name of each room. List the furniture in your bedroom and living room. Identify your favorite place in the residence and explain why it is your favorite room.   Option 2: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about what you like to do in your free time. Include the following information: Write today's date. Describe what type of leisure activities you enjoy doing in your free time. List three sports you practice or like to watch. Write your favorite holiday. Describe how you celebrate your favorite holiday.   Option 3: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about your domestic chores. Include the following information: Write today's date. List the domestic chores you do in your house. Describe how frequently you do them. Write your least favorite domestic chore. List three cleaning products and describe what they do.   Option 4: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about a memorable personal event in your life. Include the following information: Write today's date. List a memorable personal event or success in your life. Write how old you were when it happened. Describe how you felt. Describe what you learned from the experience.

Select ONE оf the fоllоwing options to write а short diаry entry in Spаnish (please do not worry about special characters and accent marks).   Option 1: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about your residence. Include the following information: Write today's date. Describe type of residence (house, apartment, dorm room, and so on) and size. List the number of rooms and the name of each room. List the furniture in your bedroom and living room. Identify your favorite place in the residence and explain why it is your favorite room.   Option 2: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about what you like to do in your free time. Include the following information: Write today's date. Describe what type of leisure activities you enjoy doing in your free time. List three sports you practice or like to watch. Write your favorite holiday. Describe how you celebrate your favorite holiday.   Option 3: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about your domestic chores. Include the following information: Write today's date. List the domestic chores you do in your house. Describe how frequently you do them. Write your least favorite domestic chore. List three cleaning products and describe what they do.   Option 4: Write a brief diary entry using complete sentences in Spanish talking about a memorable personal event in your life. Include the following information: Write today's date. List a memorable personal event or success in your life. Write how old you were when it happened. Describe how you felt. Describe what you learned from the experience.

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