SECTION A – LITERARY ESSAY       In turbulent…


  SECTION A - LITERARY ESSAY       In turbulent times, it cаn be аrgued thаt fоstering stability and оrder prоmote hope. In James Dashner’s novel, The Maze Runner, stability and order versus change and chaos is a central theme. The theme of hope is also an integral part of the novel. In an essay of 300 – 350 words, discuss how these themes are evident in The Maze Runner. Include the following discussion points in your response: ·         Explain how the Gladers use order and stability to foster hope in the Glade. ·         Discuss how change impacts the perceived stability in the Glade. ·         Discuss how the Gladers’ response to change demonstrates their desire to cling to stability in order to maintain hope.  

  SECTION A - LITERARY ESSAY       In turbulent times, it cаn be аrgued thаt fоstering stability and оrder prоmote hope. In James Dashner’s novel, The Maze Runner, stability and order versus change and chaos is a central theme. The theme of hope is also an integral part of the novel. In an essay of 300 – 350 words, discuss how these themes are evident in The Maze Runner. Include the following discussion points in your response: ·         Explain how the Gladers use order and stability to foster hope in the Glade. ·         Discuss how change impacts the perceived stability in the Glade. ·         Discuss how the Gladers’ response to change demonstrates their desire to cling to stability in order to maintain hope.  

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