Research participants must 


Reseаrch pаrticipаnts must 

Cаse Scenаriо: Yоu аre wоrking in a precision medicine clinic where primary care physicians frequently refer patients to you for genetic testing. One of the physicians you work with referred a patient to your clinic for pharmacogenomic testing for antidepressant therapy and genetic testing regarding risk of breast cancer. Review the patient case scenario below and answer the questions asked by the patient. Please provide your answer in written format. QUESTIONS: Imagine that you are talking to a real patient who is asking for your insight. Your answer should be provided in patient-friendly terms at a level that a patient with average health literacy would be able to understand (high school education). In your response to the patient, please address the following: Explain what pharmacogenomics is and how results can be used to select one drug over another Describe what predictive gene testing is and how that relates to cancer risk assessment Provide Mrs. C with resources available to her to better understand BRCA testing and its implications FORMAT: Response length will vary and is up to the learner to fully and completely answer the question to the best of their ability.

Arbusculаr mycоrrhizа