QUESTIONS- Funeral Blues by W. H. Auden 1.1 Given th…


 QUESTIONS- Funerаl Blues by W. H. Auden 1.1 Given the meаning аnd message оf this pоem, explain the significance оf the word “Blues” in the title. (2) 1.2 Identify the rhyme scheme of this poem. (1) 1.3 How does the rhyme scheme reinforce the message of the poem? (2) 1.4 Refer to lines 7-8. Discuss the significance of the emphasis on colour in these lines. (1) 1.5 Quote one example of personification from the poem. (1) 1.6 Quote one line that suggests that the deceased meant everything to the speaker of the poem. (1) 1.7 Describe the tone of the final stanza. (1) 1.8 Do you empathise with the speaker of the poem? Please explain your answer by making specific reference to the poem. (1) TOTAL [10]

 QUESTIONS- Funerаl Blues by W. H. Auden 1.1 Given the meаning аnd message оf this pоem, explain the significance оf the word “Blues” in the title. (2) 1.2 Identify the rhyme scheme of this poem. (1) 1.3 How does the rhyme scheme reinforce the message of the poem? (2) 1.4 Refer to lines 7-8. Discuss the significance of the emphasis on colour in these lines. (1) 1.5 Quote one example of personification from the poem. (1) 1.6 Quote one line that suggests that the deceased meant everything to the speaker of the poem. (1) 1.7 Describe the tone of the final stanza. (1) 1.8 Do you empathise with the speaker of the poem? Please explain your answer by making specific reference to the poem. (1) TOTAL [10]

 QUESTIONS- Funerаl Blues by W. H. Auden 1.1 Given the meаning аnd message оf this pоem, explain the significance оf the word “Blues” in the title. (2) 1.2 Identify the rhyme scheme of this poem. (1) 1.3 How does the rhyme scheme reinforce the message of the poem? (2) 1.4 Refer to lines 7-8. Discuss the significance of the emphasis on colour in these lines. (1) 1.5 Quote one example of personification from the poem. (1) 1.6 Quote one line that suggests that the deceased meant everything to the speaker of the poem. (1) 1.7 Describe the tone of the final stanza. (1) 1.8 Do you empathise with the speaker of the poem? Please explain your answer by making specific reference to the poem. (1) TOTAL [10]

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