QUESTION 8     8.1 Choisissez UN des trois suj…


  QUESTION 8     8.1 Chоisissez UN des trоis sujets suivаnts. Écris envirоn 40-50 mots en frаncаis. Choose ONE of the following tasks. Write about 40-50 words in French.   Un conseil: Gardes tes phrases simples Tip:   Keep your sentences simple.   CLEARLY INDICATE WHICH QUESTION YOU ARE ANSWERING BY WRITING DOWN THE LETTER A/B/C BEFORE YOU START.   A. Tu es en vacances. Écris une carte postale à un ami. Tu dois mentioner: ·       Où tu es. ·       Ce que tu fais. ·       Le temps / la météo. ·       Ce que tu manges. ·       Comment tu voyages.        You are on Holiday. Write a postcard to a friend. You have to mention: ·       Where you are. ·       What you’ve been doing daily. ·       What the weather has been like. ·       What you are eating. ·       How you are travelling around.   OU/OR…   B.  Tu voudrais participer à un concours de talent. Il faut écrire un essai        présentant ta famille. Tu dois mentionner: • Le nombre de personnes dans ta famille.• Comment s’appellent les membres de ta famille ?• Ce qu’ils aiment ou n’aiment pas.• Leurs descriptions physiques.• Leurs âges.        You would like to enter your family into a talent competition. One of the             requirements is an essay introducing your family. You have to mention: ·       How many people are in your family? ·       What are the names of the family members? ·       What do they like/dislike? ·       what they look like. ·       What are their ages?   OU/OR…   C. Écris au sujet d’un de tes amis.  Tu dois mentioner:   ·       Comment il-est. ·       Ce qu’il aime faire et il aime aller. ·       Ce que vous faîtes ensemble et ce que tu vas faire ce weekend. ·       Ce qu’il aime au collège. ·       Ce qu’il va faire pendant les vacances ?        Write about one of your friends. Make sure you answer all of the questions      below: ·       What does he/she look like? ·       What does he/she like to do? / Where does he/she like to go? ·       What do you do when you are together? / What are you going to do this weekend? ·       What does he like about school? ·        What will he be doing during the holidays?         (10)

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