Question 5 – Database  Carli keeps record of all guests that…


Questiоn 5 – Dаtаbаse  Carli keeps recоrd оf all guests that visit 'The Tiger Canyon' in a database. Open the 5Guests_Gaste database file. Work in the Visitors_Besoekers table. 5.1 Insert a primary key on the most appropriate field. (2) 5.2 Change the InternetAccess_InternetToegang field to a Yes/No field. Display 'yes' and 'no' in this field, and not a checkbox (1) 5.3 Change the Surname_Van field so that duplicates will be allowed (1) 5.4 Create a lookup field for the Gender_Geslag field so that either ‘F’ for Female or ‘M’ for Male will be displayed. (2) 5.5 Format the Date of Birth_Geboortedatum field to the long date format. (1) 5.6 The default country must be South Africa (1) 5.7 Use a validation rule in the Adults_Volwassenes field so that no number bigger than 7 will be accepted in this field. Remember to use a suitable validation text in this field. (2)   Save and close the Visitors_Besoekers table   5.8 Open the Tiger_Tier table Use an input mask in the RegNo_RegNo field so that the registration number of the farm is displayed as follows: Three compulsory digits; followed by the '/' sign followed by 3 compulsory capital  Save and close the Tiger_Tier table. (3) 5.9 Open the Information_Inligting query. Sort the query in descending order according to the Surname_Van field. (1) 5.10 Modify the query so that   5.10.1 Only the following fields are displayed: Surname_Van, Name_Naam, and the Date of Birth_Geboortedatum (1) 5.10.2 Display only South African visitors that were born after 1 January Save and close the Information_Inligting-query.  (3) 5.11 Open the Costs_Koste query Create a calculated field with the name 'Total Amount' and calculate the total amount of money that each group of visitors had to pay for the stay at 'The Tigers Canyon'. Save and close the Costs_Koste query (4) 5.12 Open the Details_Besonderhede form.   5.12.1 All names of the Country_Land in the form must appear in italics (1) 5.12.2 Insert today’s date in the header of the form. (1) 5.12.3 Change the list box in the Occupation_Beroep field in the form to a combo (1) 5.12.4 Apply conditional formatting so that the name South Africa, is formatted to a red colour font. Save and close the Details_Besonderhede form. (2)  

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