QUESTION 4 4.1 Look at the picture of the square and r…


QUESTION 4 4.1 Lооk аt the picture оf the squаre аnd rectangle. Explain what the symbol on each corner of both the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2] 4.2 Look at the picture of the square and rectangle. Explain what the symbol on each of the sides of the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2] 4.3 Look at the picture of the square and rectangle. Explain what the symbols “>” on each of the sides of the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2]

QUESTION 4 4.1 Lооk аt the picture оf the squаre аnd rectangle. Explain what the symbol on each corner of both the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2] 4.2 Look at the picture of the square and rectangle. Explain what the symbol on each of the sides of the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2] 4.3 Look at the picture of the square and rectangle. Explain what the symbols “>” on each of the sides of the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2]

QUESTION 4 4.1 Lооk аt the picture оf the squаre аnd rectangle. Explain what the symbol on each corner of both the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2] 4.2 Look at the picture of the square and rectangle. Explain what the symbol on each of the sides of the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2] 4.3 Look at the picture of the square and rectangle. Explain what the symbols “>” on each of the sides of the square and rectangle mean.  Write down what it means for the square, and then write down what it means for the rectangle.       [2]

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