Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of manmade chem…


Pоlychlоrinаted biphenyls (PCBs) аre а grоup of manmade chemicals. They are oily liquids or solids, clear to yellow in color, with no smell or taste. PCBs are very stable mixtures that are resistant to extreme temperature and pressure and are used widely in electrical equipment like capacitors and transformers and in coolant fluids. PCBs are highly toxic industrial compounds. They pose serious health risks to fetuses, babies and children, who may suffer developmental and neurological problems from prolonged or repeated exposure to small amounts of PCBs. These chemicals are harmful to adults as well. Small amounts of PCBs are found in meat, dairy products and drinking water. Fish are the major dietary sources of PCBs , especially fish caught in contaminated lakes or rivers. Level of PCBs found in fish will vary with region and the type of fish native to that region. This chart shows the PCB concentrations found at the various trophic levels in the Saginaw Bay ecosystem of Lake Huron. Notice that the fish in the higher trophic levels accumulate more PCBs than those in lower trophic levels. (credit: Patricia Van Hoof, NOAA) Other examples of environmental contaminants are:  DDT (pesticide) accumulating in birds of prey (raptors), Mercury levels being too high in mackerel, etc. What ecological concept does this demonstrate? Refer to the figure below if needed:    

Pоlychlоrinаted biphenyls (PCBs) аre а grоup of manmade chemicals. They are oily liquids or solids, clear to yellow in color, with no smell or taste. PCBs are very stable mixtures that are resistant to extreme temperature and pressure and are used widely in electrical equipment like capacitors and transformers and in coolant fluids. PCBs are highly toxic industrial compounds. They pose serious health risks to fetuses, babies and children, who may suffer developmental and neurological problems from prolonged or repeated exposure to small amounts of PCBs. These chemicals are harmful to adults as well. Small amounts of PCBs are found in meat, dairy products and drinking water. Fish are the major dietary sources of PCBs , especially fish caught in contaminated lakes or rivers. Level of PCBs found in fish will vary with region and the type of fish native to that region. This chart shows the PCB concentrations found at the various trophic levels in the Saginaw Bay ecosystem of Lake Huron. Notice that the fish in the higher trophic levels accumulate more PCBs than those in lower trophic levels. (credit: Patricia Van Hoof, NOAA) Other examples of environmental contaminants are:  DDT (pesticide) accumulating in birds of prey (raptors), Mercury levels being too high in mackerel, etc. What ecological concept does this demonstrate? Refer to the figure below if needed:    

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