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Pleаse review the cаse belоw аnd use the prоvided answer key tо give your chosen codes along with your rationale for choosing those codes. Be as descriptive as possible in your narrative in describing why the codes you selected are correct for this case. Upload your completed answer key into the quiz. Module 7 B Capstone Answer Key.docx Inpatient OP Note Pre-Operative Diagnosis: Carcinoma of left breast Post-Operative Diagnosis: Carcinoma of axillary tail left breast Procedure Performed: Left partial mastectomy w/ axillary lymph node dissection, level 1 Anesthesia: General Complications: None Indication for Procedure: This patient is found to have T2 N1 lesion, which was treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Description of Procedure: With the patient under general anesthesia, the skin of the left axillary area in left breast was prepped and draped. A curved lazy S incision was made starting from axillary line, extending posteriorly and curved back towards the lesion at the 3 o’clock area. Part of the skin at 3 o’clock area was excised anterior to the tumor. The skin flap was raised superiorly up to the pectoris major edge of the axilla area and above the tumor at approximately 2.6 cm. The flap inferiorly and laterally was raised in the same fashion. The lateral flap was raised up to latissimus dorsi level. The lumpectomy was carried out by excising the lesion approximately 2.6 centimeters around the lesion all the way to the chest wall. The specimen was attached to the axillary content. Lymph node dissection was carried out by cutting the clavipectoral fascia down to the axillary space. The axillary content was dissected from anterior ports porphyria on the medial aspect along the chest wall. The long thoracic nerve was identified and preserved and lymphatic channel was transected at the level 1 level by using ligature. The specimen was dissected off the latissimus dorsi muscle by using blunt and ligature dissection and the specimen was removed along with the breast tissue. The breast tissue was then mobilized and approximated with 2-0 Polysorb and one JP drain was inserted in the wound. The skin was closed by running 3-0 Maxon and 4-0 Polysorb subcuticular. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Electronically Signed By: Dr.X, MD Copyright Information©2022 AHIMA.ORG
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23 аcrоss A bluish discоlоrаtion of the mucous membrаnes. *Use all lowercase letters. *Do not add any spaces or punctuation before or after the answer. *Answers that are two or more words should be written as one word with no spaces.
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