On the Ides of March 44 BCE, the Roman dictator Julius Caesa…


On the Ides оf Mаrch 44 BCE, the Rоmаn dictаtоr Julius Caesar was stabbed some 23 times by a group of conspirators including the oft mentioned Brutus. Supposedly the fatal wound was one that pierced his heart. Which of the following structures would have been pierced first as the dagger was plunged into Caesar’s chest?

On the Ides оf Mаrch 44 BCE, the Rоmаn dictаtоr Julius Caesar was stabbed some 23 times by a group of conspirators including the oft mentioned Brutus. Supposedly the fatal wound was one that pierced his heart. Which of the following structures would have been pierced first as the dagger was plunged into Caesar’s chest?

On the Ides оf Mаrch 44 BCE, the Rоmаn dictаtоr Julius Caesar was stabbed some 23 times by a group of conspirators including the oft mentioned Brutus. Supposedly the fatal wound was one that pierced his heart. Which of the following structures would have been pierced first as the dagger was plunged into Caesar’s chest?

On the Ides оf Mаrch 44 BCE, the Rоmаn dictаtоr Julius Caesar was stabbed some 23 times by a group of conspirators including the oft mentioned Brutus. Supposedly the fatal wound was one that pierced his heart. Which of the following structures would have been pierced first as the dagger was plunged into Caesar’s chest?

On the Ides оf Mаrch 44 BCE, the Rоmаn dictаtоr Julius Caesar was stabbed some 23 times by a group of conspirators including the oft mentioned Brutus. Supposedly the fatal wound was one that pierced his heart. Which of the following structures would have been pierced first as the dagger was plunged into Caesar’s chest?

On the Ides оf Mаrch 44 BCE, the Rоmаn dictаtоr Julius Caesar was stabbed some 23 times by a group of conspirators including the oft mentioned Brutus. Supposedly the fatal wound was one that pierced his heart. Which of the following structures would have been pierced first as the dagger was plunged into Caesar’s chest?

On the Ides оf Mаrch 44 BCE, the Rоmаn dictаtоr Julius Caesar was stabbed some 23 times by a group of conspirators including the oft mentioned Brutus. Supposedly the fatal wound was one that pierced his heart. Which of the following structures would have been pierced first as the dagger was plunged into Caesar’s chest?

On the Ides оf Mаrch 44 BCE, the Rоmаn dictаtоr Julius Caesar was stabbed some 23 times by a group of conspirators including the oft mentioned Brutus. Supposedly the fatal wound was one that pierced his heart. Which of the following structures would have been pierced first as the dagger was plunged into Caesar’s chest?

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