On 1/1/2006 Red, Inc. purchased 100,000 shares of Blue, Inc…


On 1/1/2006 Red, Inc. purchаsed 100,000 shаres оf Blue, Inc (representing а 40% оwnership interest) fоr $10 per share. The book value of Blue Inc. was $1,500,000.  In assessing the purchase, Red, Inc. identified that a building owned by Blue, Inc. had a fair value that was $500,000 greater than its book value.  The building had a remaining useful life of 10 years.  In addition, Red, Inc. also identified a machine that had a fair value that was $100,000 higher than its book value, and a 5 year useful life.  Red, Inc. decides to amortize these excesses using the straight-line method. Red, Inc. earns $5,000,000 of Net Income in 2006, and pays $500,000 in dividends. The price of Red, Inc.’s stock is $25 at the end of 2006.    Blue, Inc. earns $1,000,000 of Net Income in 2006, and pays $750,000 in dividends. The price of Blue, Inc.’s stock is $15 at the end of 2006.  What is the value of the “Equity Investment in Blue, Inc.” on Red Inc.’s 12/31/2006 balance sheet?

On 1/1/2006 Red, Inc. purchаsed 100,000 shаres оf Blue, Inc (representing а 40% оwnership interest) fоr $10 per share. The book value of Blue Inc. was $1,500,000.  In assessing the purchase, Red, Inc. identified that a building owned by Blue, Inc. had a fair value that was $500,000 greater than its book value.  The building had a remaining useful life of 10 years.  In addition, Red, Inc. also identified a machine that had a fair value that was $100,000 higher than its book value, and a 5 year useful life.  Red, Inc. decides to amortize these excesses using the straight-line method. Red, Inc. earns $5,000,000 of Net Income in 2006, and pays $500,000 in dividends. The price of Red, Inc.’s stock is $25 at the end of 2006.    Blue, Inc. earns $1,000,000 of Net Income in 2006, and pays $750,000 in dividends. The price of Blue, Inc.’s stock is $15 at the end of 2006.  What is the value of the “Equity Investment in Blue, Inc.” on Red Inc.’s 12/31/2006 balance sheet?

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