

Fоr yоur finаl exаminаtiоn, you should write a cohesive, well-developed essay that fully addresses the essay prompt. Please closely read the following CQ Researcher articles (published January 2, 2015 (volume 25, issue 1)) and then the prompt below. Pro/Con Articles "College Rankings-Have College Rankings Distorted Higher Education's Priorities: Pro"by Richard Vedder, Director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity "College Rankings-Have College Rankings Distorted Higher Education's Priorities: Con"by Sara Goldrick-Rab, Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison par. 1While universities generally don't like them, college rankings provide needed, albeit limited, consumer information. They have a one-size-fits-all dimension to them—I know, because my organization does the rankings for Forbes magazine—while the “best” college for each student depends on academic ability, family finances, locational preferences, the student's previous academic performance and other factors. Still, rankings help students separate the excellent schools from the mediocre, the appropriate from the inappropriate. par. 2Colleges disparage rankings because they often produce results inconsistent with the often exaggerated hype in school marketing campaigns. Alternative ways of evaluating colleges exist, such as measuring through testing and publishing the value the schools have added to critical reasoning and writing capacities during the college years, but schools resist using them. Scores on a standardized national college exit exam would likewise be useful, but again the colleges oppose any attempt to provide this form of information to students, their parents, taxpayers and major donors. To the colleges, in the business of creating and disseminating knowledge, ignorance is often bliss. par. 3Thus, while rankings often disturb the priorities of the universities themselves, the appropriate question is: Do they promote the social welfare—the priorities of the broader public that consumes and finances higher education services? Here the answer is clearly “yes.” If a student feels indifferent toward two schools at which she is accepted, but one ranks 25th and the other 75th in some ranking, that information might lead the student to attend the higher-ranked school. The student is trying to maximize her standing in life, and the ranks provide some assistance. par. 4It is true, as some critics assert, that sometimes rankings lead colleges to allocate resources in a manner to maximize their standing, regardless of whether that appears optimal from an educational perspective. Some rankings, notably those of U.S. News, are based in part on spending on inputs, which encourages a spending frenzy that arguably contributes to rising higher-education costs. par. 5That criticism, however, does not mean rankings are bad. It may mean that more emphasis needs to be placed on outcome-based, student-centered rankings, the trend that Forbes pioneered and has been successfully imitated by other rankers. More information is always better than less. Good rankings can reduce the mismatch between student aspirations and educational and economic reality. Long live college rankings! par. 1Few Americans today consider a college education truly affordable. Yet, while family income is declining, ambitions for higher education are exceptionally high. What to do? We can start by ignoring popular college rankings. par. 2When making college affordable is a priority, rankings aren't helpful. They may even make things worse. And who really needs them? Probably not the parents with plenty of disposable income who can afford to finance educations at any university, public or private, in the nation. They don't need rankings in order to tell them where to send their children. par. 3The rankings are equally useless for students seeking a college that is nearby and affordable, with courses that fit their busy schedules. In most cases there are relatively few options, though affordability and location are rarely rewarded by ranking criteria. Rankings are a luxury these people cannot afford. par. 4A third group of people who would most benefit from more information are students with modest resources and no guarantee of college graduation. Their choices will affect their chances of completing college and shape how much debt they take on, yet college rankings can sway them to choose against their best interests. par. 5Unfortunately, common college rankings, like those in U.S. News & World Report, drive colleges and universities toward practices that make college expensive. Yes, it's true: College rankings are one reason why higher education today is so often unaffordable. Rankings lead families toward schools that enroll wealthier students and spend more money on them. Ultimately, they waste the time of many applicants. par. 6Consider that the way a school becomes selective is by spending money to recruit prospective students and employ a time- and money-consuming process that eventually denies access. Or consider the rewards schools receive by spending significant resources to cultivate donors and impress peers by outspending them on star faculty, campus beauty and other visible markers of prestige. Such conspicuous consumption is costly, is essential for becoming a highly ranked school and yet has nothing to do with helping the average undergraduate be successful in college. par. 7The higher a college is ranked, the more students apply, and the more the school charges for admission. With such unending demand, colleges and universities have no reason to become more affordable. As long as we keep praising and elevating them, why should they? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Topic: Using the above-noted articles, “College Rankings-Have College Rankings Distorted Higher Education's Priorities: Pro” and "College Rankings-Have College Rankings Distorted Higher Education's Priorities: Con,” as reference sources, write an essay in which you analyze each author’s use of one rhetorical tool or rhetorical appeal to achieve his or her specific purpose. To start, determine what you believe is each author’s specific purpose. Choose one of the following specific purposes for each author: to convince, to justify, to validate, to condemn, to expose, to incite, to celebrate, to defend, or to question. Then, determine which one of the following rhetorical tools or rhetorical appeals the "Pro" author relies upon most heavily in his or her article to achieve his or her specific purpose and then which one of the following rhetorical tools or rhetorical appeals the "Con" author relies upon most heavily in his or her article to achieve his or her specific purpose. You must choose both tools and/or appeals from the following list: alliteration amplification allusions analogy arrangement/organization authorities/outside sources definitions diction (and/or loaded diction) enthymeme examples facts irony paradox parallelism refutation rhetorical questions statistics testimony tone logos pathos ethos kairos Organize your ideas into a four-paragraph essay that includes the following paragraphs: (paragraph 1) an introduction paragraph; (paragraphs 2 and 3) two separate, well-developed rhetorical tools and/or rhetorical appeals body paragraphs (one focused on the "Pro" author's use of your chosen rhetorical tool or appeal to achieve his/her specific purpose and the other focused on the "Con" author's use of your other chosen rhetorical tool or appeal to achieve his/her specific purpose); and (paragraph 4) a conclusion paragraph. Your essay must include a forecasting thesis statement and effective topic and concluding sentences in each body paragraph. At least four times in your essay, you also must correctly integrate quotations, paraphrases, and/or summaries from the above-noted articles; remember to include proper in-text citations.

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Yоu hаve just been hired аs the tennis directоr fоr а private club with 8 indoor courts and 8 outdoor courts with 600 members. The club’s occupancy level for the indoor courts is 50% and for the outdoor courts 40%. There is no court fee for the outdoor courts, while the indoor courts have a fee of $15.The club’s lesson fees are below market rate by as much as 10%, and finally, the pro shop operates at breakeven with an annual inventory turn of two. Which approach highlighted below would be the most effective at raising tennis revenues over the next six months to a year?

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